Some useful commands for you to use.
Super powers for your elytra.
File Sorter
A Java application that watches for new downloads, and asks you where you want to put them.
Forms that you can fill out in chat or a book.
Game Mechanics
A bundle of small game mechanics that add a little bit of spice to the game.
Lost World
A tabletop RPG app where players start at a random landmark in a mysterious forest. In Lost World, players begin their journey in an enigmatic woodland filled with strange, forgotten relics. Each landmark holds secrets—abandoned cars, a broken clock, or a statue of Loki. The goal is to survive, explore, and escape while facing lurking dangers and navigating the ever-shifting landscape.
An important feature that all of my plugins use to send messages to players.
Natural Protection
A custom land protection plugin that is based on where and how much you build instead of how long you have played and what you have manually selected. All you have to do is build something, and right-click it with a piece of paper. You can use the menu to add your friends, and more.
No cheaty commands for teleports. Instead, you craft a compass which presents an easy-to-use menu. The server is split into multiple realms, and your location in each realm will be saved. Instead of /home and /sethome, use a bed to set home, and a compass to teleport.